Книга “Скалы плавятся”


He Who turns toward God Will lack for nothing

All his sorrow and misery will be destroyed. Sarly, by the association with saints, all
the sins, misery, and poverty will be totally eliminated.

Taking recourse to satsafiga gives rise to discrimination. It awakens one to what is proper
and improper, meritrious and sinful, dharmik and adharmik, and to cognition of one’s
duty. That is why one who participates in satsafiga is saved from adharma and engages
himself in right action. Saved from sin, he will carry out meritorious activities.
Established doctrine decrees, Dharmena pdpam anudati, that by practicing dharma, sins
will be destroyed. Similarly, satsafiga also destroys sin.

The sorrow and anxiety which naturally scorch the human heart are cleansed and
pacified by sitting in satsanga and by listening to discussions about Bhagavan. The inner
instggmgnt of one who does satsar’tga will naturally become peaceful.

Through satsanga the human being turns towards the omnipotent, all-capable
Bhagavan. One who has turned towards The Lord will lack for nothing in the world, and
all his sorrow and misery will be destroyed. Similarly, association with saints will totally
eliminate all sins, misery, and poverty.

“May goodness always prevail.” This benediction may have been inserted by Tiwari in the initial
publication in Hindi.

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