Книга “Скалы плавятся”


Materialism cannot give peace and happiness

All material prosperity is nothing but the unfolding of mdyd. Trying to obtain peace and
happiness through engagement with mdyd is like trying to search in the darkness without
a lamp to guide you. Just as you can’t kill a snake by taking a stick and pounding on the
ground above its lair, you cannot remove the anguish of the subtle body by acquiring
objects for physical pleasure. Happiness and unhappiness reside in the mind. If you insult
a sleeping person, he will not feel unhappy, because at that time his mind is absorbed in
avidyd. This means that the mind alone experiences happiness or unhappiness.
Therefore, as long as the mind remains unsatisfied, anxiety cannot be dispelled. As long
as the mind wanders, it cannot obtain the all-blissful Bhagavan. Just as you give toys to
little children to divert them, you can divert your mind with wealth, a wife, children,
name and fame, etc. But these things cannot satisfy the mind. The mind will only be
satisfied once it obtains the biggest possible thing. Paramatma alone is the greatest of all
things. After knowing Him, nothing else is worthy of knowing.

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День 4: Проверочная сессия (60–90 минут)
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